Latest Episodes
Episode 52
October 29, 2022
KMAG 1997 Farewell Grandpa Rabbit - 3
King of the Hill was an awesome addition for adult animation such as myself. It also proved that Mike Judge wasn't a one-trick pony....
Episode 51
October 28, 2022
KMAG 1997 Farewell Grandpa Rabbit - 2
My PhotoShop skills have only improved in the 25 years since I made that joke but I think the software has had more to...
Episode 50
October 27, 2022
KMAG 1997 Farewell Grandpa Rabbit - 1
With merely two months to go, here's the first installment on "The Best of…" for 1997. It's dedicated to my Grandpa, nicknamed Rabbit. He...
Episode 57
October 24, 2022
Dedicated to one of the greatest foods created by Italians and developed further by Americans! The celebration turns 35 this month. Meanwhile, don't forget...
Episode 56
October 13, 2022
No, this episode isn't really spooky despite Count Floyd and Dr. Tongue being on the cover. It's just dedicated to the great Comedy-Horror hosts...
Episode 14
October 01, 2022
KMAG Halloween 2022
KMAG Halloween is back! For 2022, the theme involves the Halloween episode of obscure shows…because they only lasted one season. Fear not, good songs...